Unlock Your Company's Data Agility!

Helios Data, April 8, 2022 

Last year 79 zettabytes of data were created … right, 79 x 1021! Now, your company may “only” have petabytes or terabytes, but, still, that is an enormous amount of data, with unimaginable business value if unlocked but far beyond the ability of humans and traditional tools to manage in traditional ways. How do you use this data safely and productively when all this data, across so many platforms and files and geographies, is so risky to use because of laws, mandates, and regulatory threats. This risk, this “data usage risk”, requires a new “data agility”.

As Helios Data CEO Fei Zou describes in his new article in Entrepreneur, “Use These 5 Keys to Unlock Data Agility,

The simple truth is that most companies are sitting on a goldmine of information — it’s just too hard to use, because business leaders have seen the fines and headlines associated with breaches, and don’t want to take any risks. And that’s a real missed opportunity.

How do you avoid the “miss” and instead get the chance to mine that gold? Read the rest of Fei’s article, where he describes 5 keys vital to unlocking that capability.

To learn more about how Helios Data’s Secure Data Insight Sharing platform increases your companies data agility using these keys, and more, send me a note and we’ll set up a call.